Toru Dutt’s Poem Savitri—A Clash between Love and Death


Toru Dutt's Savitri deals with a traditional story borrowed from the ancient Sanskrit epic the Mahabharata. The story told by Toru Dutt is not of a goddess but a human being. She is the princess of Madra and only child of her father King Ashwapati. Savitri is better known as the mortal wife of Satyavan, a royal prince living like a hermit for his father Dyoumatsen is the former king of Salva and he lost the throne to his enemies because he had grown old, blind and weak. Savitri's true love for her husband Satyavan is the basic theme of this story.

Toru Dutt’s Poem Savitri—A Clash between Love and Death

Savitri: The Princess of Madra: 

Savitri was the only child of Madra's wise and mighty king, Ashwapati. She always looked happy and walked lightly. Unknown people meeting by chance used to turn back to look at her for a long time and wished for her joy. It was her own individual peculiar charm that she was pure, pretty and innocent like a child. No ill - intentioned man was able to observe her beauty, for he felt ashamed on marking her simplicity. Her face was blessed with divine purity. There was a reflection of divine grace in her rising youth. Savitri was free to go to any place of her choice, for hours together with her friends. She used to visit gardens or hermit's huts to meet saints for seeing her they were pleased. They used to teach the best of their knowledge. 

Love at First Sight: 

Savitri was at liberty in all matters whether small or great for her father never feared for her. He had full faith in her snow like purity. Like a boy she was free to wander anywhere. Her father with the Queen used to hope that Savitri herself would find out her husband. One summer morning Savitri visited a field. There she saw some young men at play. They were sons of hermits living there. One of them was tall, smart and royal in manners. His face was so happy and attractive. Savitri's eyes were not willing to turn away. She stared at his face and heaved a sigh of love. Her peace of mind was lost. Her condition suggested it was love. Poets refer to it as love at first sight. It is a reality. Heaven above is witness that suddenly the heart gets the life partner within no time. We remain busy in our trifles and do not know about its progress, just as the breaking of branch does not make a noise. But love either makes or ruins life. Their eyes just met and brought about the union of sight. Savitri visited a favourable saint. Her heart - rose had at last opened for love had knocked at her heart. 

Satyavan: A Hermit Prince: 

Having talked to the saint Savitri came to know the whereabouts of that boy. His name was Satyavan. His father was former king of Salva Being old and blind he could not guard himself from his enemies who snatched his sceptre from his hand. Now, he lived with his wife and only son there. He was the most gentle of all hermits. The tragic story of Satyavan's misfortune was said and heard with many tears for the narration made the listeners weep. It brought to light Satyavan's praise. It affected and changed the colour of Savitri's face. On hearing evening bells in the temple, she returned home leaving her virgin heart behind and thinking of her lover. She went away making exchange of love with heart. Certainly, true love is a divine inspiration. Under its influence, all objects looked brighter to her. A bright rainbow decorated all huts and fields looked more colourful. 

Savitri: A Dutiful Child: 

Savitri's first duty was to tell about her feeling of love to her mother. The queen narrated all to the king. He wanted to know about Satyavan's family. Without knowing that all it was not possible for him to think about the match for marriage. To dilute the King's doubt, Narad came. King claimed that Savitri's marriage was the only worry. He wanted the wise man Narad's mature advice for that. She had seen a hermit youth and she liked him Narad did not approve the match. Narad asked her to choose another boy to marry. The Muni called the choice unfortunate. 

Savitri's Resolution: Inspiration of True Love: 

Savitri was inspired by true love and refused to give up her choice for at heart Satyavan was her husband. She had no power to forget him. God does not permit for it. She knew it was a deadly sin. She refused to break her promise for it would hurt her heart that she could not bear. The thought of giving up Satyavan filled her mind with grief. Narad remarked that Satyavan was worthy and there was none to contradict this report. He was a Suryavansi. He belonged to the family of Soorasen. Dyoumatsen his father was blind. Their family was famous. Dyoumatsen was the best of all kings. Narad disclosed the truth that according to the nativity Satyavan would survive only a year. Hearing it, king's mind changed. He looked worried and decided to change Savitri's mind. He claimed no girl was authorized to choose husband without her parents’ permission. Besides, she had not made any promise to Satyavan. Her affection to the youth was merely a passing thought. If she gave up the thought she would not be held a sinner. 

Savitri's Strong Pleading for Satyavan: 

Savitri's father warned that she should be aware of the cursed life of a widow. A widow's life goes but as a burden that is dull, confused and sad. Her reply was harsh that all submit to Destiny for none can escape his fate. It is inevitable like a command by Him. A girl chooses her husband but only once. Only once a father gives away his daughter to a man in presence of holy fire. She too has given her heart to a man but once. No change is possible now. If something is done against conscience the result is ruin. A silent vow is not less virtuous and if she breaks it she would be a sinner. To avoid that sin, she is ready to remain unmarried in that condition. She asks if anybody has power to avoid what is written in the book of his fate. If it is her fate to lead the life of a widow, she would not be able to avoid those miseries. Human efforts can't avoid ruin and no man can struggle against his fate. All desires are not fulfilled in human world. Death is inevitable. Permanent peace of mind is not given to human beings. All must be guided by what is right. All must be dutiful. She too would be judged by sense of right and duty. 

Savitri's Success: Consent and Marriage: 

Having said this she looked at her father and Narad. The father was unwilling to give his consent to Savitri's choice. But her argument convinced Narad. Blessing Savitri he said that no man must question God's will. All confusions disappear with a soft signal from Him. At this, the monarch approved Satyavan. Only God is worthy of praise for all actions. He declared that Savitri would wed the person of her choice and that person would be Satyavan. This success leads to their marriage with pomp and show. Satyavan's love for her enables her to adjust with her circumstances. She works hard and keeps her in laws happy. She keeps fast for long life of her husband. The year passes in this state and the day comes on which Narad had predicted for Satyavan's death. 

Satyavan's Death: 

From morning to noon she remained praying then she became a bit hopeful. The afternoon had come and gone and brought no change. She hoped that Satyavan was safe. It came to her mind that the danger was over. The gentle evening's shades came on, when she heard her husband's voice. Satyavan told his mother that he was going to gather fruit and fuel for the air was cool and he would be back in an hour or two. Savitri thought fate was calling Satyavan to the destination of death decided for him. She decided to take permission from her in laws to go with him. But Savitri was determined. She pointed out that it is the part of her prayer not to leave her husband alone in danger. Hearing it they permitted her to go with her husband but warned that they must come back before it was too dark. Satyavan and Savitri walked the dark forest together. Satyavan saw the branches of the trees. The noise of cutting branches disturbed the peace of the forest. Savitri's mind was filled with the thought of death which she wished to forget. Suddenly the noise of cutting branches stopped. Satyavan's axe fell down. The cause was known to Savitri. He was too sick to stop the work. He suffered from a severe headache as if he was stung by a cobra. His consciousness was lost. There was congestion in his chest. His strength failed and he fell down. He grew blind and asked if it was death. She consoled him saying that perhaps he was fainting. He claimed that he was bearing the pangs of death. He bade farewell with a claim that he was dying. He gave one start and then his senses stopped working. Thus, Satyavan was lying unconscious taking support of her breast and lap. Hours passed. Still unaware of the passing time they remained there like a statue. 

Savitri and Yama: Clash between Love and Death: 

As still Savitri was sitting beside her dying husband, she saw Yama who wore a bright crown, a dark red gown and a belt round his waist. His skin was dark, his face, serious yet bright, his eyes were full of love and mercy but their brightness was horrible. Yama bound Satyavan's soul not bigger than a thumb to take away with him. Savitri saw it all like a statue. But when Yama moved to his kingdom Savitri followed him. It surprised Yama and he asked her not to follow him but go home. Yama warned her that the place was not for the living. The duty of a widow is mentioned in the Shastras and accordingly she should pass the rest of her life. 

The First Boon: 

Yama had full sympathy with her true love for her husband. Now she must be guided by her duty. Savitri claimed that it was her duty to follow her husband wherever he went. Yama should have pity on a suffering woman like her and he must permit her to follow her husband in any condition. Savitri told that the world is only an illusion in which nothing is permanent. She did not wish her husband back for worldly pleasures. All these emotional ties are made to be broken and death is the ultimate truth of life and it makes all senses dull. It is the conclusion of life. Savitri claimed that it is a world of unfulfilled desires in which no one attains perfect joy. Like gold we must be tried by fire and therefore, sufferings test our firm faith in Him. Sufferings are the fruits of our own doing or thinking. She knew that no rites or prayer could save Satyavan's life for human efforts can't change divine judgment. We have to surrender our will to His justice. Everybody gets reward or punishment according to his actions. A wise man knows value of virtue and discards all worldly things. Duty is the only true friend to make great progress. Savitri's sublime thoughts impressed Yama. Yama could not give back Satyavan's life and could not take Savitri's life. Yama promised to grant her a boon. Savitri welcomed it. She asked Yama to restore her father in law's lost sight and throne. It was granted. 

The Second Boon: 

Yama asked Savitri to go back for the night was growing dark and the way was rougher. Savitri claimed that she was not tired for she was with Satyavan. It was vowed at marriage that husband and wife should be together in joy and sorrow. Accordingly she had to go where Satyavan was being taken. Savitri claimed all human beings wish to feel the influence of goodness. She was willing to go with Yama to hear his true gentle words. Under his divine influence, worldly scene has disappeared and now the air was fresh. She is able to see his glorious face crowned with rubies. Savitri claimed if people understand death's true nature, they would find that Yama is above all gods. Yama wins all with patience and merciful love. Yama remarked that Savitri's words were true. Yama asked her to take another boon, but he could not grant Satyavan's life and take her life. Savitri requested that Yama should grant the boon that her father should beget one hundred children. Yama granted the boon. 

The Third Boon: 

Savitri felt obliged to Yama for granting her boons. She was sure if she wished for one more boon that too would be granted but she was not willing to give up sweet company of Yama and Satyavan. In their company she felt no way was long. It is a blessing to be in the company of the best. She should be allowed ever to live with the good for it is unimportant where the good resides. Boon granted by gods never go in vain and inspire virtue whether it is visible or not. All fasts and prayers make the person spiritually sublime that lead to noble joys. Yama declared that Savitri was blessed with all qualities of head and heart. The purity of her soul was visible on her face and all gods should bless her with peace of mind. Yama too wished to give her one more boon. Her former boons were related to her father and father in law, now she should ask a boon for personal joy. Savitri was intelligent enough to catch the hint and mercy of Yama for no restriction was imposed now. She claimed that Yama is omniscient and knows all. There was no need to speak to attain his mercy. She had only one wish to have Satyavan alive and children from him. Yama blessed that she would give birth to a hundred families and all sons shall be kings. 

Victory of Love: 

Having granted the boon, Yama loosed Satyavan's soul and blessed them with happy life. It marked loves victory over death. Having taken Satyavan's soul she rushed to his dead body. Savitri lifted Satyavan's dead body and supported his head upon her breast then she placed his soul on his heart where it entered the body and Satyavan woke up with a start. He looked around in confusion as if his long sleep were broken . Savitri proved true love is immortal.